Family Matters in Coronation Mark Lodge
On the 6th February W Bro Phil Lyon installed his nephew, Stephen Lyon into the Master’s chair of Coronation Mark Lodge563. The bond between both W Bro Phil and W Bro Stephen was obvious during the ceremony. The bond is not just as of Uncle and Nephew, but as friends as well. Such is the bond that it is reflected throughout their Masonic activities.
Officers and Brethren of Coronation Mark Lodge 563
W Bro Eric Drinkwater represented the Provincial Grand Master for the Ceremony and V W Bro Bill Merry delivered the address to the Worshipful Master.
W Bro Eric Drinkwater, V W Bro Eric Hughes, W Bro Stephen Lyon, W Bro Phil Lyon,
V W Bro Bill Merry, W Bro Derek Horrocks
Following the Ceremony of Installation W Bro Eric Drinkwater presented a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro Bill Todd Hunter.
W Bro Stephen Lyon called upon all who were present, to look for candidates, for Coronation Mark Lodge during his year of Office, as he is keen that his team has plenty of work to look forward to.
Article and photographs courtesy of Jack Parker